Amazing review. This was before my time and already established as settled science by the time I was a trainee, and was a part of rote practice. But boy is it revealing to have a detailed and critical walk down memory lane. Enrolled “Mean 14 days post MI”….wow….that represents current MI care at a level that rounds down to zero. Also interesting that it did not benefit the NSTEMI subgroup.

Looking forward to future entries in this hit list. I suspect it will be a who’s who of exemplars to Dr. Mandrola’s contention that evidence should have an expiry date.

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Thank you very much to the authors. This book will be extremely helpful for younger cardiologists trying to build their understanding of current evidence from the ground up.

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I really love this initiative!!! Many thanks to the authors for these historical much needed reviews! I hope younger doctors find their way to this trials as part of their continuous medical education. History can teach us a lot!

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